Flash Sale! 35% off!

Square planter is $48 $31.20 (!) through July 28th at 9pm Pacific time

Orta self watering seed pot, terracotta, no plastic, white glazed pot with pepper seedlings on blue background

Even if you've struggled with seedlings in the past,

Succeed with seeds, consistently. Guaranteed.

Stop killing seedlings, and save a bundle of $$ on nursery starts by growing your own with our versatile Square Self Watering Planter.



"So, I can't keep plants alive, much less grow them from seed to plant, and this has been amazing!  I keep telling my friends that this is totally failproof: After sowing, just top off with water at the end of the week!"  - Melody, October 2020

Have you ever wished you could grow all that amazing produce in seed catalogs?

But you don't have the time to water seedlings every day?

Or you think you'll over-water by accident?

Or you just have no idea how to do it, and figure you'll end up killing the seedlings whatever you do?

Let me help you succeed!  


Orta Self watering seed pots take the guesswork out of watering.

You fill the reservoir once a week, and the baby plants get all the water they need.

No over-watering.

No under-watering.

Just happy baby plants! (While you get on with the rest of your life!)

Orta self-watering seed pot, terracotta no plastic, white glazed pot with multicolored microgreens on brown background


"I have been using your products for many years now and love them.  Thanks for all the hours of fun I have gotten from your products.  I am in the chilly northern Catskills and your planters give me a great head start." - Tom, March 2023


What can you grow in the Square Self-Watering Pot?


I originally designed the Square pot to grow microgreens. 

(In fact it's the same pot that forms the base of our microgreen kit.) 

Orta self watering seed pot, terracotta no plastic, light blue pot with microgreens on a dark background

But I soon learned that it's an extremely versatile pot that excels at:


Orta self-watering seed pot, terracotta no plastic, white pot with kale seedlings with garden soil background

Rooting Cuttings

Orta self watering seed pot, terracotta no plastic, rooting pelargonium cutting geranium cutting

And even rooting succulents in pretty displays!

Orta self-watering seed pot, terracotta no plastic, child holding pot with rooted succulent cuttings in a pretty display

How do you get the seedlings out?

Glad you asked!  I made a video to show you:
transplanting tomatoes from orta square self-watering terracotta pot (not plastic!) to Orta 12-Pack self-watering pot. Gif shows a seedling being separated and ready to transplant with roots visible
And here's another, longer, more complete video:


How many seedlings can you grow at a time?

It depends on how big you want them to get.  Here's some lettuce I grew recently:

Orta self-watering pot, terracotta no plastic, top view with 2 dozen lettuce seedlings

This turned into about 2 dozen lettuces (~ $50 of produce from one batch!)

I planted out about half of these directly from the square to my raised beds, and transplanted the others into 2" cells.  Both ways grew equally well.

Other times, I thin plants and let them get bigger in their square pot, like this:

Orta self watering seed pot, terracotta no plastic blue-gray pot with lettuce with vegetable garden background

(I think this was 9 lettuces in this batch?)

The more plants you cram into your planter, the sooner you have to transplant them.  The less you grow at a time, the bigger they can get.

No matter how you look at it though, you will save lots and lots of $$ once you get into the rhythm of starting your own seedlings.

In fact, last year, I started about $2,800 worth of flowering perennials from just 11 packets of seed using Orta pots.  You can read all about those adventures here.

 But don't get too distracted!  The sale ends Sunday July 28th at 9pm Pacific time.



I want you to succeed.

(Like for realzies.)

That's why I started Orta, and why every pot comes with detailed instructions and a lifetime guarantee. 

Did you know about our guarantee?


Orta's crazy good risk-free guarantee


If you don't love your pot, we accept returns forever.  If there is a manufacturing defect, we will replace it forever.

Why?  Because we've received maybe 20 returns ever.  Our pots work as advertised. 

And when the occasional inevitable manufacturing errors happen (I mean, we're talking about handmade ceramics here!) it's our responsibility to make it right.

Why not give it a try?


 “I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the quality and clever design of the Orta pots, the really responsible way they're packed for shipping, and for your care with your customers  . . .  All my Orta pots are in use right now. I love them.” - Diane, Feb 2022