Normally this time of year I'd be planning a seed and plant swap as a way to get gardeners together, meeting one another, learning about plants, and going home with free seeds and plants! But this year, alas, is 2020.
While we can't easily swap plants at a distance, we can still swap seeds! I'm mashing together two favorite gifting and trading traditions to create the Secret Solstice-Santa Seed Swap! We can celebrate seeds, gardens, the holidays, and the inherent generosity of gardens and gardeners, all through the mail.
Here's how it works:
What you get:
A free package of 3-10 varieties of seeds plus a letter from a lovely gardening stranger, who may even become a friend!
What you do:
1. Sign up here
2. Choose at least 3 (and up to 10) varieties of seeds you especially like.
- Ideally they're seeds you've saved yourself (Click here to learn how to save seeds - it's easier than you think!), or that come from your own collection.
- You don't need to go out and buy brand-new seeds, though you're certainly welcome to.
- You can also buy generous seed packs and split them - half for you and half for you buddy, because who uses the whole pack anyway?
3. Write a letter that describes the varieties, why you like them, and any growing tips.
4. Please mail your seeds and letter by December 10th so that they arrive in plenty of time to be a solstice gift. (We'll remind you!)
What we're going to do:
- We'll collect names and addresses now through the end of November.
- In early December, we'll match gardeners with someone in their same or similar USDA hardiness zone, and send you the name and address of the buddy who you're sending seeds to.
Please share this post with your gardening friends! The more of us sending seeds to each other, the bigger and stronger our gardening community becomes.
I would love to be a part of this. I save my seeds every year